Some of you might know me already from my other blogs (Just Another Pixel, Certified Foodies, Pinay Online Money Maker). If you don’t know me yet, please check out the About Pinay Reviewer page.
So, what’s up with this blog – Pinay Reviewer?! Well, it’s divided into 2 sections – the Reviews and the Promo & Giveaway Alerts.
The Reviews
I know you might be wondering why I even started this blog considering that there are already a LOT of review sites out there, paid and non-paid, and other bloggers who post their own reviews on their blogs, too. Well, like them, the reason why I wanted to write reviews is to provide feedback to the companies, manufacturers or people behind the products, services, websites and blogs that I will review here.
Why would my reviews even matter when there are thousands of reviews out there? Because we need more people writing reviews so the companies concerned will really take action.
Consider this: if a company has about 10,000,000 customers and only 50-100 of them are complaining about something that is really happening, do you think the company would bother to do something about it? I don’t think so, mostly because they’re already established.
Another reason why I decided to put up my own review site is the known fact that most of us, when searching for reviews online, we usually focus our attention on the negative reviews. Some of us don’t care if the positive reviews outnumber the negative reviews. We don’t even care if the negative reviews were isolated issues that only happened to a few customers and not the vast majority. So, I will also be writing positive reviews here about different products and services I’ve tried to try to help those companies by pushing those negative reviews down the Google drain.
With my experience blogging in the past 2 years, I’ve seen local companies who actually read and respond to my reviews about them on my blog. Here are a couple of them that were posted on my other blog, Just Another Pixel:
If you check out those posts, you’d see other people posting their own complaints in the hopes that the companies concerned will also read them after reading my rants.
Well, the first one actually had the most impact. Imagine, the business head of PLDT SME in Vismin flew all the way from Manila to Cebu to take care of our complaint himself. In less than a week, our concerns were addressed and resolved.
That’s why I strongly believe in giving feedback or writing reviews, especially now that the internet and blogging are powerful tools in voicing out our complaints and raves about any product or service we’ve tried. Most people now use Google to search for keywords like “<this company> sucks” to check on negative reviews or complaints from other customers.
A lot of companies are now even taking these reviews really seriously. Some companies, including PLDT, even has their own department who handles online complaints like my blog post about them.
I also believe that we need more people writing positive reviews of products and services they’ve used. That way, they can help educate soon-to-be customers and help the companies concerned in gaining more customers through word-of-mouth.
Aside from writing reviews of products and services I’ve tried myself, I will also post reviews here of different websites that offer different services or products to customers online. I will also write reviews about blogs that I love and you should visit.
And, of course, I will write reviews here of TV shows, movies, and even music and videos I’ve heard or watched. Just wanted to put all my reviews in one place. 🙂
There might be a few of my reviews that will be sponsored or paid for, but, I can promise you and assure that everything you’ll read here are my honest opinions on all their products and services, offline and online.
Feel free to leave your violent reactions, comments, questions, suggestions or recommendations on my posts. And, I also welcome requests for feedback or reviews.
To sum it up, I started this blog because I believe that we should stop complaining and start taking action, even through little ways like writing a review or blog post about it. Everyone’s feedback has an impact, believe it or not. So, I just want my voice to be heard… louder this time. 🙂
Promo & Giveaway Alerts for Pinoys
I am a freebie, promo, and giveaway addict. I have been really active in joining online contests and promos this year (2010) and I wanted to share with you all of the giveaways and freebies I’ve found all over the web.
All of the contests and giveaways I’ll be posting here are mostly those that I’ve joined myself. I will still post others that I know a lot of Pinoys like me would love to join. And, of course, all the giveaways and promos I’ll feature here are open to Pinoys.
On the top of my left sidebar, you will find all the giveaways that are still running or active. You will also see there the end date for the promos / giveaways so you can easily find the date when you must complete the requirements of the giveaways you are interested in or up to when a certain promo is available for you to take advantage of.
You can subscribe to my blog through the email feed subscription form on the left sidebar, following me on different social networks (buttons on the left) and by bookmarking me, too.
If you are also hosting a giveaway and you want me to feature it here, feel free to fill up the giveaway / promo submission form.
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